Tekniset tietolehdet

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Nopea pääsy tuotteidemme teknisiin tietolehtisiin ja laskenta-arvoihin.
Jos tekninen tietolehti ei sisällä etsimääsi tietoa, käytä tuotelinkkejä tai ota yhteyttä tekniseen puhelinpalveluumme.
Kuva | Koodi/nimi | Kuvaus | Technical Data Sheets (PDF) | Link to Product |
KHS Frame Screw - KHS |
Used indoors when fitting window and door frames with Ø14 mm pre-drilled holes. The finished assembly is adjustable. If… | |||
KNAG Kulmalevyt - KNAG |
KNAG-kiinnikkeitä käytetään palkki-palkkiliitoksissa, kun palkeilla on suuret poikkileikkausmitat. Näitä kiinnikkeitä… | |||
KNURC15Z Hardened Steel Nail 15° Wire Coil - Round Head, Knurled - KNURC15Z |
Hardened nail for steel to wood applications, can be used in steel thickness up to 1.0 mm. | |||
KTF Universal Screw Stainless Hardened - KTF |
The universal screw stainless steel 410 hardened is ideally suited for fixing guttering, fittings, brackets and other… | |||
L-PB L Strap Design Series - L-PB |
L shaped strap for connection beams to posts in garden applications such as pergolas and other light constructions. | |||
LBP Lightweight Concrete Plug - LBP |
Used indoors for fitting kitchen units and wooden battens to porous masonry materials without pre-drilling. However… | |||
LBS Lightweight Concrete Screw - LBS |
Fasten screw without pre-drilling directly into the porous stone material. Use a low rpm drilling machine but avoid… | |||
LSF Skirting Screw - LSF |
Used indoors for fixing skirting to underlying wood material. The small screw head has ribs on its underside for easy… | |||
LTSF Skirting Screw - LTSF |
LTSFH Skirting Screw Chisel Point - LTSFH |
LTSFR Skirting Screw Stainless Hardened - LTSFR |
Used outdoor when laying solid wood flooring. The small screw head means that countersinking in the base material… | |||
M2 Wedge Anchor, Outdoor - M2 |
Used outdoors for fixing in massive stone material like concrete. The throughbolt is provided with nut and washer. The… | |||
M2R Wedge Anchor Stainless A4 - M2R |
Used outdoor in marine environments, for through-fixing in massive stone material like concrete. The Wedge Anchor is… | |||
M5x12 Teräsruuvit - M5x12 |
Teräsruuveja käytetään reikä- ja sidevanteiden jatkamiseen. | |||
MAH Dragankare universal - MAH |
Detta dragankaret kan avändas i flera olika applikationer. Beslaget skall alltid användas med medföljande US-… | |||
MANDREL Kärjen kiinnitysakseli - MANDREL |
Toimitamme useita erilaisia kärjen kiinnitysakseleita. Katso alla olevasta taulukosta, mikä kärjen kiinnitysakseli… | |||
MD16GA Finishing Nail - 16 Gauge Brads - Electro Galvanised - MD16GA |
This brad with its rectangular head and shank is used indoors and in dry environments for fixing mouldings, panels and… | |||
MD16GAA4 Finishing Nail - 16 Gauge Brads - Stainless A4 - MD16GAA4 |
This brad with its rectangular head and shank is used in outdoor environments for fixing mouldings, panels… | |||
MD16GAC Finishing Nail - 16 Gauge Brads - Electro Galvanised + White Lacquered Head - MD16GAC |
This brad with its rectangular head and shank is used indoors and in dry environments for fixing mouldings, panels and… | |||
MD18GA Finishing Nail - 18 Gauge Brads - Electro Galvanised - MD18GA |
This brad with its rectangular head and shank is used in severe environments for fixing mouldings, panels and hardwood… | |||
MD18GAC Finishing Nail - 18 Gauge Brads - Zink + White Lacquered Head - MD18GAC |
This brad with its rectangular head and shank is used in dry indoor environments for fixing mouldings, panels… | |||
MDDA34 Finishing Nail - DA Brad 34° - MDDA34 |
This brad with its D-shaped head and rectangular shank is used indoors and in dry environments for fixing mouldings,… | |||
MEA Drop-in Anchor - MEA |
For fixing in ceilings, walls and floors - indoors and in dry environments. | |||
MHP Metal Nail Plug - MHP |
The metal nail plug, is for use indoors. The fixing is suitable for fixing metal to concrete. | |||
MK1476Z Collated Staple Type 14B/76 - MK1476Z |
Staple 14B/76 is for indoor use and in dry environments to fasten various items, including ceilings and wood fibreboard… | |||
MK500Z Collated Staple Type 500 - MK500Z |
Staple 500 is for indoor use and in dry environments to fasten various items, including ceilings and wood fibreboard to… | |||
MK6000Z Collated Staple Type 6000 - MK6000Z |
Staple 6000 is for indoor use and in dry environments to fasten various items, including ceilings and wood fibreboard… | |||
MKA11Z Collated Staple Type A11 - MKA11Z |
Staple A11 is for indoor use and in dry environments to fasten various items, including plasticfilms, roofing felts to… | |||
MKSA4 Ring Shank Brick/Wood to Wood Nail - MKSA4 |
MN Sekoitusputki - MN |
Sekoitusputki MN1 ja MN2. Sekoitusputki AT-HP + Poly-GP - Art. nr. MN1-RP10Sekoitusputki SET-XP - Art. nr. MN2 | |||
MNAF LACQ Nail Plug - Electro Galvanised + Painted Head (White) - MNAF LACQ |
The nail plug is quickly and easily mounted in concrete or solid brick. Nail plug with countersunk collar is used for… | |||
MNAF YZP Nail Plug - Yellow Zinc Plated - MNAF YZP |
The nail plug is quickly and easily mounted in concrete or solid brick. Nail plug with countersunk collar is used for… | |||
MNAS Nail Plug - MNAS |
The nail plug is quickly and easily mounted in concrete or solid brick. Nail plug with countersunk collar is used for… | |||
MNE Jatkoputki - MNE |
Muovinen jatkoputki sekoitusputkelle, 200 mm.Käyttötarkoitus: SET-XP + AT-HP + POLY-GP. Jatkoputkia voidaan tilata… | |||
MQ Universal Plug - MQ |
For use outdoors for anchoring to hard and porous materials. Can withstand -40ºC of cold and 100ºC of heat. Quattro®… | |||
MQL EG Frame Plug - Electro Galvanised - MQL EG |
Frame plug with Quattro® technology ensures four-way expansion, which increases the pull-out value irrespective of the… | |||
MQL HDG Frame Plug - Hot Dip Galvanised - MQL HDG |
For use outdoors for anchoring to hard and porous materials. Can withstand -40ºC of cold and 100ºC of heat. Quattro®… | |||
MTH Kuitulevy ruuvi - MTH |
MTH-ruuvit (suippo uppokanta) on kehitetty, jotta kuitulevy tai puu (lattialaudat jne.) olisi nopea asentaa… | |||
NCNG Cut Nail - Hot Dip Galvanised - NCNG |
This cut nail has various shapes and withstands rain. Used for nailing sills, frames and battens, etc., into wood. | |||
NEDC48238 Laskukiinnike - NEDC48238 |
Laskukiinnikkeen avulla verhousta voidaan laskea talotekniikan asentamiseksi. |